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The list above shows just a fraction of what Moosle can do for you. Check our other modules for even more features which you can select for your company.
The list above shows just a fraction of what Moosle can do for you. Check our other modules for even more features which you can select for your company.
Keep track of every damage, illness or other problem in your fields, with the easy-to-use realtime alert module. Even if you weren’t there.
Document your inventory of spraying agents, fertilizer and all other consumables, using our detailed transaction system.
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Monitor telemetry data like GPS position and manage availability, defects, maintenance schedules and all associated machine information at one place with the Moosle Machines module.
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Easily plan efficient spraying routines, get automated calculations like tank composition, mix per area etc. Have Moosle create a (eco-) compliant documentation in the background.